Saturday, 7 November 2009

TheGigRig finalist in British Engineering Excellence awards

Well this is very cool, and quite a suprise, but we are very proud to announce that the GigRig ltd was selected as a finalist in this year’s engineering excellence awards... who knew!

This is a quote from BEEA... 'The GigRig was selected for two main reasons... As a new company the GigRig ltd has demonstrated engineering excellence and innovation based precisely at customers needs... The other attribute that impressed the Judges, was the GigRigs attention to the environment, not just with Compliance to standards and re cycling, but with the patented invention of the Virtual battery'.. “The virtual battery will remove 100,000 PP3 Batteries from the environment every year”.. Said Kate Bellingham, former tomorrows world presenter and journalist, in her presentation of the final five companies.

Now i'm just waiting for the knighthood!!!

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